I am NOT knocked up: don’t worry. Although this post left many folks confused and I will blog about the latest on our adoption soon (because I have felt pregnant with anticipation for almost a year …just minus the constant puking and getting fat)! OK, now that that is out of the way I can discuss the MANY foods we miss soooo much from home. You see we Americans know how to eat and we sorta take it seriously, food is like a national past time. Not the best for our waistlines I admit and our family definitely eats more organic and healthy here because we have no choice but every once in a while a deep dish pizza or a date with a drive through just sounds plain amazing. Some of the foods we miss the most are: chips and salsa, cookies, coffee treats, chicken…dear chicken, anything Mexican, peanut butter cups, real pizza, asparagus, mushrooms, sausage, etc, etc, etc. Seriously I could go on. We are foodies. Cheap and bootleg ones but still: foodies none-the-less.

I am so ridiculously impressed by you. Nice work. Love to all your sweet fam!