Saturday defied the weather channel’s prediction of rain and we loved it! After helping some friends move a bed frame (well J helped and Anni and I played in the backyard with Andrea and her adorable son who has recently impressed all of us with his “poo poo in potty” as he says š we stopped by Trader Joes. After lunch and Anni’s nap we filled her little swimming pool in the backyard and she played in there for over an hour amazing us (she NEVER does anything for an hour, at least not happily). Jason and I discussed how much things stay the same in that this little pool is exactly the same as when we were little, same mold, same little octopus guy searching for treasure. This comforting to know since most baby toys now light up, blink, sing, move, or are just plain crazy. Her little pool stayed the same and she loves it. After her dip we had dear friends over from college that were part of our Habitat gang. Still no rain so we all checked out our local park on the lakefront where Anni did her swinging next to a baby named Roxanne (An aside I have only met like 3 people in my life with my name so it was pretty exciting to meet a Roxanne, I warned her Mom about the Police song comments and she said she already gets them, People of the world I beg you DO NOT sing that song, we have heard it and it was not that funny then, plus would you really want strangers to sing to you a song about a prostitute? Still, a great name & I wish lil Roxanne much luck with it). Stan and Jess are fabulous and Anni agreed as she smiled at Jess every chance she got and was very interested in Stan’s red beard! Here to Saturday spent in the pool and with friends.
for anyone wondering that is indeed Jason’s hairy leg in the background, not mine š