
Labor day weekend, Anni turns 8, and saying goodbye to summer

Summer you are always so good to us and for that we say thank you. A million times THANK YOU.

 This weekend we squeezed every last ounce out of summer by heading to Lake Geneva after a quick visit with Bibi Rhoda and Babu Jim so they could see our new digs and wish Miss Anni a happy birthday.

Free pancakes at Egg Harbor for the birthday girl!

love watching Anni open her presies.

We love us some Auntie Katy time!!

tradition: bday number pancakes in bed.

AND Bday ice cream sundae bar. We take our bday celebrating seriously around here.

There was lots of boating and jet skiing and swimming to fill our days

our captain Babu

tubing with Auntie Katy

and mama 🙂 and yes, I think I may have made that face the entire time

Uncle Rob and Mel got in on it too- everyone had to tub with the birthday girl

some of us preferred the pool …..(and gotta love the strategically placed plastic shovel)

not everyone was always happy. true story.

Oh, we ALL also ate like a boss.

There was also late night board games that carried over to lazy afternoons. This picture is sooooo real life: Papa won monopoly and the girls’clearly were thrilled. The hashtag on this one would read: goodsports or sorelosers.

Life at the lake is pretty fabulous y’all! Grateful my parents let us crash the joint all summer, 

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