With the chaos of moving, settling in, and starting a new school Anni’s bday almost got lost in the shuffle (enter mama guilt) so when she decided she
really wanted a pool party (after attending one and realizing such things exist) we rallied and tried to pull it off in 3 days. Awesome friends and family made it happen….well that and lots of Costco runs, a few un-used groupons (that arrived in the mail the DAY OF THE PARTY), and tons of prayers for no rain (it was looking scary y’all). This week I was helping Anni stuff goodies bags when I
should have been unpacking the never ending; and I swear reproducing, unpacked boxes in our house but when I really think about what is important in life creating these awesome memories wins out. The boxes can wait. The girls had a blast and it was a mix of family, friends from Chicago, and a new friend from here. Annikah thanked me at least 10 times driving back last night and that sorta made it all worth it. Here is our girl pool party extravaganza!
love that cousins can come to our parties now!!
bigger than your head red velvet cupcakes!
lots of silliness!!
and celebrating this sweet girl.
Anni opened all her thoughtful cards from friends. She raised money for our Ride for Refuge bike ride in October (join us!!). We are riding to benefit the awesome work of World Relief Chicago does in welcoming and resettle refugees and immigrants. If you want to know more about our ride or sponsor us you can check our out pages here and here. Come ride with us!!!!
So grateful for these awesome girls that helped us celebrate and for Annikah and her 8 years with us so far! Excited to see what God has next for her. Happy Birthday Annikah Joy! We love our sweet, compassionate, sensitive, loving, smart, beautiful, and spunky girl. Stop growing up already. Seriously.

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Gah! 8 years old! I still remember coming to the hospital with Jess to hold her! Happy Birthday, sweet Anni!