We were only in Iowa for just over a day but when Anni saw the snow it was a must to go sledding! Plus, we sorta felt like the snow owed us some fun after all the chaos it wrought on us during our journey Iowa-bound. Can I just say I love this first photo of the watoto all dressed up! Right before it was taken Anni was whining “mama, I’m so hooooottttt in this” I guess that was the best smile for the camera she could muster under such extreme duress. Plus, with her cousin borrowed snow gear Evy looked like a boy. Too cute!
Snow is awesome
And driveway sledding is pretty fabulous too! Also, can I say that when an Iowans drove by and had to wait for us to clear off the road they smiled and waved (in Chicago I am pretty sure we would get flipped off and yelled at for street sledding). We decided to forgive Iowa for the treacherous road trip!
sisters on a sled
playing in the snow with cousins was a blast
But the cold was not appreciated by all. And is it wrong that I love this photo? Don’t worry Miss Evy Imani, sometimes winter makes me cry too.
Great snow day! My kids would love to play in the snow as well. At least they talk about it quiet often recently 🙂