Skuli ya Imani. Our School of Faith is the little gathering of now sometimes 36 children and counting that meet at our house twice a week to learn and laugh and play and sing and pray and write and read and be silly. It is not really that formal but it is very special. I would say “I cannot believe how we have grown and how He has provided” but that is not true.
I do believe it.
I have seen it.
I can attest to His provision that exceeds what I think or dream up. We have prayed as a school and asked God to provide and He has and He continues to. And we say thank you each week! And I am in awe of how rich His provision is.
I want to encourage anyone out there who has needs that seem too big or desires that seem out of reach. Pray. Ask. Dream. Share. And then wait and watch and be thankful.
A while back some generous folks donated funds and recently we used some of those funds to make workbooks. For over a year we have been using plain notebooks but because many children are just beginning to learn to write I have had to hand write “worksheets” of sorts in each child’s notebook so they could complete the lesson for the day (as opposed to spend the entire time just copying something). So based on the two groups of children I took pages from workbooks from the states, some worksheets I created for Kiswahili, and some excerpts from local textbooks and made our own special Skuli ya Imani books. The day I picked them up from the copy shop kids stopped by all afternoon to sneak a peek at their books. They are so pumped to have their own special book with their name on it. Thank you to all who gave generously. He is multiplying your gifts and our little “school” is blessed because of it!
It is such an amazing privilege to be a small part if this. These children really do feel like part of our family. The play with our girls everyday, they get all cuts and scraps treated here, they come to relay messages from their parents, the return and borrow and bring requested items, they share meals or snacks with us, and they stow away in our car for short errands. What was once tons of kids roaming our neighborhood are now wanafunzi wangu (my students). And they are so dear to me.
check us our with our new books!

working hard & always eager to help the teacher

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I always love the posts you include about your shule. How wonderful that you now have your very own curriculum workbooks! That should really motivate your students to do their best!!