last minutes of fast internet (note to self: you should be sleeping!)…just uploading because I CAN!! And I want to remember all my amazing friendys I got to spend time with during our short time here. The chaos of running around is nothing compared to the insane amounts of encouragement, thoughtful challenge, and blessing these people bring into my life. To have friends that know you so well for so long through so much and still love and cherish you is…well….awesome. Thanks to everyone to spoiled us, prayed for us, shared a meal with us, listened and shared with us. Thanks for being you. And for being authentic and loving us. We also met new friends that are living outrageously for Jesus. Rad. True friends are rare and I treasure these times, savor them, and save them up for days ahead when I miss you all. Spending time with people that get you and spur you on to live more fully is just amazing.

Jason’s cousins and their wives….grilling & sharing and laughing too much about what having kids has done to our lives š

had to post the best double chin pic ever- you know you love it Jess!

Chasing our kids & reflecting on ten years on a rare but appreciated warm day

snuggling sleepover style until the wee hours of the morning with one who knows me too well….thanks Jill

Jason’s cousins and their wives….grilling & sharing and laughing too much about what having kids has done to our lives š

had to post the best double chin pic ever- you know you love it Jess!

Chasing our kids & reflecting on ten years on a rare but appreciated warm day

snuggling sleepover style until the wee hours of the morning with one who knows me too well….thanks Jill

thanks annalea for our quick but fab coffee date on a rainy Champaign morning

the girls of Habitat at U of you ladies!

Thai food with the ever chic and amazing Laura

we all said when this pic was taken it should have a disclaimer: all of us looked much better when the evening started at 4pm, this photo was taken closer to 12am….but I think we are still pretty darn cute :). We spent a great night eating too much, laughing, sharing what God is doing in our lives, praying for each other, and ended sharing communion together out of plastic tequila shot glasses we found in the kitchen. The sacred and the sketchy. Sublime.

seeing a college roomies new life in Chicago and staying up way too late catching up…praying for #3 soon James!

chatting life, loss, struggle, and triumph. Margaritas always make a night with Beck just feel like old times: you rock girl!

and yep..Mexican food again….catching up with Katie Z over salsa!
a chance to share passions with new friends and a kids eat free day was too awesome to pass up! Thanks Stacey!
………and to everyone that made our time here abundant and recharging and special: Thank you!! I could never post enough pictures or tell all the stories but I head back knowing we are loved and that means more than you know. You are all part of the story God is writing in my heart and being a part of your story is blessing.
Love and miss you. SO grateful for the unexpected time with you and cannot wait for next SUMMER (warmer weather next visit, kay?!)