chicago and easter eggs dying 037Us lady-folk headed to Champaign-Urbana last weekend for some time with my little but all grown up and weirding me out because that means I am old-sister; Katy. She graduates from University of Illinois in 4 weeks and we will be able to be there (it is the day before we head back)! More small blessings that are actually pretty huge. We ate at my fav Mexican restaurant, toured a bit of campus to see all the changes since I graduated 10 years ago (I know, old!), took lots of pictures, hit the mall, hung at her apartment playing a dance game on their Wii, and had some quality girl time. My mom treated my sister and I to manicures and even Anni got some purple sparkle polish! That was big people. Talking and sharing and encouraging and crying and nail polish. All good. I’ll take quality time over quantity anytime. And I even stayed up past my bedtime and headed out with my sis and her boyfriend (who I happen think is a pretty fabulous guy) thanks to my mom who offered to stay with the watoto so we could spend as much time together as possible. Great girly weekend!
yummy….Mexican food and family makes me happy!
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And even though I look ridiculous I had to post this video of us enjoying the dance game on the Wii at my sister’s apartment. Anni is pretty good (and she definitely thinks so too)

  1. Anonymous says:

    ummm I'm going to need the name of that game because anything to make a fool out of myself is a necessary item. That looks so fun, you girls know how to work it out! And DOS – How I miss thee! Mushroom quesodilla?

  2. Anonymous says:

    That video is more precious than seeing Tina Turner in person doing it! Hilarious! Wish I could have shared in the other stuff too, but babysitting is a bibi's love too. Glad you and Katy had some good talks.

  3. Anonymous says:

    That video is awesome! Glad you shared it! I love that game too!

  4. Anonymous says:

    that dancing… a-ma-zing!!! šŸ™‚

  5. Anonymous says:

    That was AWESOME! It was hard to take my eyes off of Anni or Rox during the Tina Turner! So fun! do they have that song in Swahili? LOL Crazy girls!