On Friday my college buds Andrea, Jess, and Jill came to Chicago to see me off! We try to get together often but it usually ends up working out at least once or twice a year: blasted busyness! I am glad my departing merited such a gathering. Jess brought her adorable little Fred man so we could all snuggle him and Andrea and Jill ditched work so we could all hang out one last time before I leave next week: Thanks ladies!!!

They are awesome and I treasure their crazy, funny, beautiful, and strong selves. We sat and ate (one of our favorite activities- we are notorious for burning through appetizers like there is a nuclear war imminent) and then reminisced and looked through Andrea’s photo albums of our Habitat for Humanity college days….some quotes “um, were you all really my friends if you let me wear that?” “I look like a vagabond in this picture” “Why does Stan have a bag of meat? Um, because he is Stan (jess’ now hubby & baby daddy)” “I think I slept more on that Habitat office couch than at my apartment” “If we were doing all this stuff how did we ever get degrees?” Ah, to be with great friends. I love you all and thank you for the thoughtful gifts. I have amazing women in my life and I am grateful.
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