being sicky sickersons.

I have had a nasty cold for about a week and Anni finally got it along with some terrible viral thing. She was up almost every hour last night and burning up: poor baby!!
We took her to the doctor first thing this morning after a temp of 103 and she also has another ear infection as well!! So sad! For most of today we have been laying around snuggling and wiping snot. Hope this passes quickly so I can have my energetic happy girl back.
  1. Anonymous says:

    Both my girls look so sad and I wish I could give you each a big hug and make you feel all better.Love you both…….

  2. Anonymous says:

    Oooh, so sad. I hope you gals start feeling better soon. Sending our love, hugs, and prayers… 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m there with you, sister. Here’s to hoping the girls can kick this virus’ butt in record time. Cheers!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I hope you guys are feeling better today (Monday). What a tough weekend 🙁

  5. Anonymous says:

    Well colored me surprised. I’m glad you actually have a photo of you laying down or eles I’d never have believed it. Sorry to hear you all are sick. Hope it passes soon and NEVER returns!