Big feels at the start of the school year is real. And this year we have a college freshman (more thoughts on launching your first kid here) and our other three kids all starting brand new schools in a new state.
If your kids have struggled in school you know.
If you are going through big changes you know.
It is not an easy place for everyone to thrive but the hard fought lessons of advocating, being open to correction, learning, and growing into yourself is worth the journey.
Freshman Year, 7th Grade, 5th Grade here we go.
My first day of school tradition- this shirt and bougie iced coffee.
Felt this strong today: There is a gap between what we see and where we believe God has invited us- this is a season of hard and needed trust to fully embrace and have faith God will provide what we need and what will lead to thriving here.
To all the parents out there: we do not return our kids to the world. We trust them to God’s care. (A dear friend reminded me of this this week so I share to encourage you if you have big feels too).
Praying that in all the new this year our kids step into more of who they are created to be and they feel seen in that journey.
Happy back to school friends, Roxanne
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