Advent 2023 feels like a year or transitions- having our oldest almost ready to launch is a major change. Yet the same much more mature faces still gather around the candles every December- albeit with less of the chubby faced excitement for chocolate milk and cookies. Every December we slow down and gather to reflect, sing, and pray. We also love our Advent traditions. The seasons have changed since we first started these traditions with our littlest in diapers but we continue to make it a part of our family’s Advent rhythms.

See more of our traditions here and why we continue them (plus my most requested links here).

Our favorite Raspberry thumbprint cookie recipe!

Some of the traditions change over time but the spirit remains the same. We keep these traditions because it is not about merely entertaining them but helping us all reflect on Advent; the light of Christ coming into the darkness and how that changed the world and us. When our kids think of Christmas and Advent when they are older I hope and pray they have found memories; even if they now think some of it is cheesy, of time spent together around candles reflecting and celebrating.

We read excerpts from this book this year as a family. I did it with a group of women last year and loved the very real relfections. This year I barely made it through the first sentence before I started crying. This year is full of emotion for me.

The REAL gather around the candle pictures.


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