So this all escalated so quickly & the learning curve of living with this disease 💪🧡 is huge y’all.
.I was in tears last night explaining to Jason how grateful I am for the things I am learning & simultaneously how much I hate to be where I am right now; weak & broken.I went from coping with some annoying symptoms to the wheels falling off and just one day. This chronic illness gig is such a roller coaster- definitely do not recommend it 😂. I was doing fairly well until all of a sudden I wasn’t. 💥 BAM.
And it is really hard to listen to your body when you feel like your body is betraying you. If I called the doctor every time I had a weird symptoms I would call every single day. It is really hard to discern what symptoms are related to MS & what symptoms are life or the fact that I’m getting older. #oldladyprobs .
There is already so much redemption in the story of pain as there always is if we can search it out. Huge blessings: My nurse is Puerto Rican and made my infusion fly by recommending all the amazing things about her island to me making me want to go more and more. We laughed and joked and it was a complete break from the mental anguish I’ve been feeling for a few days. I was able to get in and get two rounds of infusions (one double today which definitely has its downside – I can’t stop shaking and as a friend pointed out earlier today I normally talk fast but right now I am talking so fast it is like someone is chasing me #sideeffectssucks). My mom & friends jumped in to watch the kids, give me rides (double vision is so not cool), & help. A kind MS warrior sister I met at a round table messaged me on insta to say that she thought my vision issues were definitely the signs of a flareup and upon further investigation she was dead on. She offered gentle personal wisdom without offering pushy advice and there is a huge difference. Without her investment of sending that message I think I would still be trying to tough this out.
My dear friend Kim texted me to say that she is praying for “Defiant Joy” in this & I ❤️love that. May God’s redemption through suffering be present in my life & what you are struggling through friends.
So, to sum it up this sucks but I also see God‘s care in the love of our community and as long as the snowstorm holds off we will be in sunny Florida tomorrow exploring & conquering Disney making memories. .And it is really hard to listen to your body when you feel like your body is betraying you. If I called the doctor every time I had a weird symptoms I would call every single day. It is really hard to discern what symptoms are related to MS & what symptoms are life or the fact that I’m getting older. #oldladyprobs .There is already so much redemption in the story of pain as there always is if we can search it out. Huge blessings: My nurse is Puerto Rican and made my infusion fly by recommending all the amazing things about her island to me making me want to go more and more. We laughed and joked and it was a complete break from the mental anguish I’ve been feeling for a few days. I was able to get in and get two rounds of infusions (one double today which definitely has its downside – I can’t stop shaking and as a friend pointed out earlier today I normally talk fast but right now I am talking so fast it is like someone is chasing me #sideeffectssucks). My mom & friends jumped in to watch the kids, give me rides (double vision is so not cool), & help. A kind MS warrior sister I met at a round table messaged me on insta to say that she thought my vision issues were definitely the signs of a flareup and upon further investigation she was dead on. She offered gentle personal wisdom without offering pushy advice and there is a huge difference. Without her investment of sending that message I think I would still be trying to tough this out..My dear friend Kim texted me to say that she is praying for “Defiant Joy” in this & I ❤️love that. May God’s redemption through suffering be present in my life & what you are struggling through friends..So, to sum it up this sucks but I also see God‘s care in the love of our community and as long as the snowstorm holds off we will be in sunny Florida tomorrow exploring & conquering Disney making memories.
And it is really hard to listen to your body when you feel like your body is betraying you. If I called the doctor every time I had a weird symptoms I would call every single day. It is really hard to discern what symptoms are related to MS & what symptoms are life or the fact that I’m getting older. #oldladyprobs .
There is already so much redemption in the story of pain as there always is if we can search it out. Huge blessings: My nurse is Puerto Rican and made my infusion fly by recommending all the amazing things about her island to me making me want to go more and more. We laughed and joked and it was a complete break from the mental anguish I’ve been feeling for a few days. I was able to get in and get two rounds of infusions (one double today which definitely has its downside – I can’t stop shaking and as a friend pointed out earlier today I normally talk fast but right now I am talking so fast it is like someone is chasing me #sideeffectssucks). My mom & friends jumped in to watch the kids, give me rides (double vision is so not cool), & help. A kind MS warrior sister I met at a round table messaged me on insta to say that she thought my vision issues were definitely the signs of a flareup and upon further investigation she was dead on. She offered gentle personal wisdom without offering pushy advice and there is a huge difference. Without her investment of sending that message I think I would still be trying to tough this out.
My dear friend Kim texted me to say that she is praying for “Defiant Joy” in this & I ❤️love that. May God’s redemption through suffering be present in my life & what you are struggling through friends.
So, to sum it up this sucks but I also see God‘s care in the love of our community and as long as the snowstorm holds off we will be in sunny Florida tomorrow exploring & conquering Disney making memories. .And it is really hard to listen to your body when you feel like your body is betraying you. If I called the doctor every time I had a weird symptoms I would call every single day. It is really hard to discern what symptoms are related to MS & what symptoms are life or the fact that I’m getting older. #oldladyprobs .There is already so much redemption in the story of pain as there always is if we can search it out. Huge blessings: My nurse is Puerto Rican and made my infusion fly by recommending all the amazing things about her island to me making me want to go more and more. We laughed and joked and it was a complete break from the mental anguish I’ve been feeling for a few days. I was able to get in and get two rounds of infusions (one double today which definitely has its downside – I can’t stop shaking and as a friend pointed out earlier today I normally talk fast but right now I am talking so fast it is like someone is chasing me #sideeffectssucks). My mom & friends jumped in to watch the kids, give me rides (double vision is so not cool), & help. A kind MS warrior sister I met at a round table messaged me on insta to say that she thought my vision issues were definitely the signs of a flareup and upon further investigation she was dead on. She offered gentle personal wisdom without offering pushy advice and there is a huge difference. Without her investment of sending that message I think I would still be trying to tough this out..My dear friend Kim texted me to say that she is praying for “Defiant Joy” in this & I ❤️love that. May God’s redemption through suffering be present in my life & what you are struggling through friends..So, to sum it up this sucks but I also see God‘s care in the love of our community and as long as the snowstorm holds off we will be in sunny Florida tomorrow exploring & conquering Disney making memories.
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