First day of school!!! It was so quiet by 9:30am I was sure something was off. I honestly kept thinking “where is Abishai?” The answer is freaking kindergarten!!! It is just crazy that after being at home with a constant side kick for 13 years ALL our kids are in school.
My kids had to long suffer and humor me for a first day photo shoot because number 1- I think this will be the only day the whole year they will look this put together and 2- it is a reminder to stop this moment in time & be present to the new beginning each school year represents. It is a new start in some ways for sure but it is also a continuation. I have ALL the feels about this new school year. I am so excited for them and all the great things that this year will bring. But I have definitely lost sleep worrying about their struggles and my huge shortcomings as a mom in being able to be discern how to support and encourage each one of them. Last year was tough in spots for a couple of these kids so I for sure have some Mama anxiety about this year. But we are always trying to live and teach our littles that in those moments of challenge that are inevitable in any life worth living you have any opportunity to build resilience. So I am here for it- the challenge, the struggles, the victories, & the celebrations. All of it. They can do hard things (and so can I- and so can YOU) and they have a very loud and obnoxious (ok that’s just me) cheering squad at home so bring it on 2019-2020 school year!

Kindergarten, 4th Grade, 2nd Grade, & 8th Grade- oh my mama heart.

Check out this kindergartner!
This boy was “too cool” UNTIL it was time to sit in his desk in his class- then he look terrified!
This inquisitive girl is about to crush the 4th Grade!
This spunky 2nd Grader is so excited to be back at school & make new friends!

This looking WAY too grown 8th Grader is excited about leading & stretching herself more this year!
Jr High welcome committee!
Papa & his boy!
The elementary school crew!
“Mama, I ma super cool with only one strap of my backpack”- Abishai
I know this is meant for the kids but my Mama self has more than 2 hours to myself!! I am excited for expanding my work & who am I kidding? I am excited to pee by myself & actually have a complete thought without interruptions.
Happy Back to School friends,
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