It is Advent time once again. Even before Thanksgiving Annikah & Evy started asking when Advent started because “it is the best time all year!” I love that they love it so much and look forward to our “Advent-ures” each day. Yes, we are complete cheesy dorks and we like it. We use this Advent wreath each year and light one additional candle each day, read this book each night, read part of the story and guess what ornament will go on our banana leaf tree from Africa, and eat cookies & chocolate milk (everyday! holla!).
Some of the adventures are simple like doing a finger print nativity craft or making a list of gifts we already have and some are more elaborate like a fun outing as a family the Polar Express train or the Lego train show or Come to Bethlehem or going downtown to see the windows (this is coming soon and we can’t wait to surprise them. They have the best reactions each year even though it happens EVERY year…you would think they would know it is coming). Our extra little is getting in the groove and asks me when we do that Advent thing from when she gets home from school. So sweet! I love having these memories here to look back on so here are some highlights so far…

Saint Nick’s day- We read about the real Saint Nicholas and they discover chocolate cons adn money in their shoes. My favorite is seeing how they choose to bless others.

this year we got the sought after tickets for the Polar Express (only thanks to a dear friend who texted me and reminded me to get them before they sold out- thanks Katy!)

We made sure this was on the list this year because this boy is obsessed with “choo choos!!”

the wonder of a train ride

once we arrived at the station there was Christmas music & cookies and milk.

Yay for advent-ures with friends!

Abishai was very uncertain of this dude.

I dared Anni to use my phone to take a #santaselfie and she totally threw down!

Love these people and yes Evy is being spicy about what who knows?

We also made our annual trip to Come to Bethlehem and like every year we ALWAYS take a pic with these camels 2009 in Africa so we missed t for 2010-2011), 2012, 2013, & 2014). It was awesome to run into a bunch of friends from Chicago there too this year!

walking through this story never gets old & this year Abishai’s favorite part was petting the “woo-woos” becuase he completely though the sheep were dogs. Obviously. Anni & Evy also helped our new little discover all the fun things to do and were overheard whispering “wait til the next room tehre are shepherds!” etc. It was so adorable. In the end we stayed a bit too long in the marketplace which meant a screaming Abishai on the way home but we love this tradition!

That same day we also headed to the Lego train show at Cantigny where Papa was seen totally geeking out & asking all the guys who put it up how he can join them next year.

A highlight was seeing the Star Wars guys!!

At least one of us was overcome with emotion…the Scout Trooper had no way to know what was coming…

And can we just say “woot woot!” for 50 degree days in December!! Hope you all are anticipating Christmas and in our waiting remembering Christ is coming! Happy Advent friends,

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