There have been cool and rainy days thus far but that has not stopped us from exploring and trying to squeeze all the adventure we can from summer.

A safety camp at the local fire department was great for Anni & Nirdesh.

exploring trucks at a local event in the park. And you would be correct in assuming Abishai screamed when he had to get down.

“NO NO papa!!”

little boy. big truck. happy day.

saying goodbye for now to some friends returning to India.

celebrating Birthdays Ninja Turtle style with friends

eating way too much sugar. sigh. #thirdkidissues

road trips mean snacking

And of course lots of weekends away at our favorite lake house

celebrating Father’s day with our fav Papa!

boating & sunshine & swimming & eating & tubing…these are a few of my favorite things.

The lake was cold but that cannot stop these girls

But can I also just say back in my day tubing meant your arms were jelly the next day and your chin was bloody from bouncing on a tiny but unforgiving donut. These kids get pulled around the lake on a giant mattress. SO not REAL tubing folks. These youngins have no idea.

And just spending time with these kiddos without the daily routine most of year demands.

And weekends home hitting the farmer’s market & GroveFest

Eating ice cream like it is our job.

Abishai was NOT feeling it when the ride was over. Also, as you can see sharing is Abishai’s jam.

“look at Mama for a picture!!”
We also took a family (minus A man bc he just can’t hang) trip to Six Flags!! It was Evy’s first time and she rode Demon, Viper, and American Eagle!!

And clearly I have only take screaming, loud mouth selfies at Six Flags (well, Anni took this one..I wonder where she gets it?)

After two weeks of travel and honestly a lot of stress for J and I taking this trip to Six Flags was such a gift!! The girls encouraged one another, cheered each other on, prayed for each other when they were scared, conquered their fears, and they were so grateful. My feet were so tired but my heart was so full. Um, also I almost puked (because old person problems on too many spiny rides).
June was pretty sweet so bring it on July!!

Oh my goodness that picture of Evy squeezing Abishai's cheeks made me laugh… because the boy seemed so upset behind him! LOL