I have been terrible about keeping up here and although I have so many thoughts and feelings (I have BIG feelings y’all) swirling in my head I cannot bring myself to thread together anything cohesive but I decided the blog silence must be broken. Not with anything profound mind you…..

Just stories of side walk chalk contests and another school year coming to an end. Yep, summer has officially begun and the girls are bickering in the next room because they cannot decided who started “copying” the other person first is proof. Apparently. I had visions of skipping through flower covered parks and eating picnics together but alas. REALITY…..Evy threw a marker at her sister yesterday and I was so irritated with all three of them I seriously texted Jason that HIS offspring were causing me panic and I was not responsible for my actions. Then I drank an iced latte and it ended well for all involved. So, yes, sometimes I just need to take a step back and realize it is not that deep.

Despite my occasional emotional break down I do love having them ALL here. It is just going to take a few weeks to get our summer grove on. And summer means we have been in Westmont for almost a year which feels crazy and all together not true to me. While at the exact same time we feel more at home here and are vibing more with this place. Starting over so frequently is not my fav but God has been good and we feel like we have friends and the kids have all really loved being here.

How is our oldest this OLD already?? Someone please make it stop.

Annikah’s last day of 3rd grade was a rough one because she loves BIG and HARD. She was bawling because she will miss seeing her friends and teacher (the amazing Mrs. Schultz) everyday. So grateful it was such a great school year for her.

And then she was a forth grader…

We celebrated Karthikeya’s Birthday with a big bash before their family headed back to visit India (I’m the very TALL and under dressed American on the right just in case you could not tell).

Abishai’s first “choo choo” ride (and possibly last ride for a while considering he refused to actually SIT DOWN for more than 10 seconds. Someone remind me when the toddler years are over?)

A proud parenting moment was the first time my daughter asked for hot sauce at a restaurant.

And ice cream. There will be lots of ice cream as we journey on in our summer adventures.

The start of summer means saying “YES” more than no because our days are freer and our time is fluid (and we are late….always)

Summer means dirty and barefoot feet and impromptu grill outs and slip-n-slide time because why not?!? It means neighborhood kids running in and out of our home and the front door wide open ALL THE TIME. Seriously. It means exploring outside all day long and forgetting we own a TV and piles of discarded swimsuits and clothes everywhere. It means kids that smell of bug spray and sunscreen and walks to Tasty Treat. It means camps and crafts and jewelry making and selling. It means Lake house weekends and Chicago beach days and drinking iced lattes like it is my job. It means laughter (and fightin….keepin it real) and fellowship and lazy afternoons with friends that turn into late nights. Summer is my favorite. God is awesome. I love the chaos and noise and warmth and friends so we say BRING IT ON SUMMER!!
Join us,
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