We spent the weekend in Lake Geneva with my fam.  I was pretty useless for the first day or so since I had a wicked stomach bug/food poisoning situation but I was actually grateful it happened over the weekend as I was out and no way could have handles the kiddos by myself. It was still great to usher in the summer with some sun and actual sweat! The lake was FREEZING but the girls still went in. Anni even got brave enough to try to swim out to the floating island necessitating Jason to jump in the water in his clothes to save her.  Luckily he remembered to chuck his brand new work iphone and wallet at me on his way in. She is a great swimmer but the water was so cold she “ran out of breath.”  Always a bit exciting around here folks.

my men.

photo taken moments before Anni completely freaked out and needed rescuing.

have I mentioned lately that this man is yummy?

Hope you had a fabulous Memorial day weekend.
Bring more of this summer stuff on…we are ready!

  1. Anonymous says:

    I'm way late commenting here! So fun to see you guys up at the lake…we are not that far away! Sometime you HAVE to come visit when you're out this way! 🙂 And your girls are brave…the lake is SO cold until July in my opinion! 😉