Annikah told me today that we can all go to America but she will stay and she quickly got many offers of folks to she can live with. She was weighing her options but when I mentioned Bibis and McDonalds and she was back on board with the whole ‘go to America with my family’ thing. But with friends like these who can blame a girl for wanting to stay?

Yesterday, I decided I was so stressed and overwhelmed and I needed to go for a run, not 5 minutes in I came upon a huge crowd in the street and a few skuli kids telling me what happened; a man on a piki piki hit a car and his head was busted open and bleeding. The man that was injured was the older brother of our neighbor so I was instructed to run home and bring the car. I was glad to help but it was stressful to be in the midst of an accident again thus I decided from now on I will do Taebo in the house 🙂 That is if I can hide well enough. Two nights ago Jason ran out to visit a friend and neighbor came inside to talk to me and cry that I was leaving and me being in the shower at that particular moment did not matter at all! Yep, she came right on in. So I have now realized and come to accept that I will not have any “rest” or reflection time that my Mzungu self is craving until we arrive stateside and while that is ok I really need prayers to sustain me through these last days. I woke up early this morning and read the Word. That helped as it always does. After Jesus washed his disciples feet and said “I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. I tell you the truth slaves are not greater than the master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. Now that you know these things God will bless you for doing them.” John 13:15-17
So we have 6 days left on this island and there is party planning, selling stuff, realizing just how much junk one family can collect over a few years, and packing. I heard talk today of all the Skuli kids wearing their uniforms and going to the airport to say goodbye but we are hoping to say final goodbyes on Sunday night and Monday morning and actually shower and change before boarding our flight. We realize of course we may have an audience for these tasks but that is “the plan” ( I know, I should know better by now but alas we try). I will remember that with each unexpected ‘hoodi‘ comes a life that I have been privileged to know, and I pray, reflect the love of God to. I am remembering that I will soon miss these visits, these faces, this language, this place, and this rich culture. The memories we are making and the goodbyes we are saying this week are precious and I will breath it all in……
So sorry that coming home is so painful for you, honey. But as you grew, and shared a new culture and made new friends, we who were left here 4 years ago felt pain in your absence. We became more stagnant, because we were without your love and joy of life amoungst us. We missed watching the daily antics of Anni and Evy as they grew into the people they are. So as you share tears of sadness there, you will be welcomed with tears of joy and relief that once again we get to share the strong energy that makes you such a remarkable woman in our midst. Your spirit is so strong, that all who have come in contact with it are blessed.
I agree with Bibi!!!! “Your spirit is so strong, that all who have come in contact with it are blessed.” Yay Roxanne, thanks for sharing all the complexities of this part of the journey. PS: come to LA!