
meet Bushirika

the man God used to save my family’s lives.
moving, shule party, bushirika after accident 237.jpgedit
He came to see us with a friend and as soon as they approached the door with a “hoodi’ I got goosebumps.  What do you say to someone that risked their life to save those whom are the dearest to you?  How do you adequately express your gratitude for something you have never had to risk for someone else? I knew I could never express all I wanted to say but to fail to try would be an injustice and a true loss.  He walked in and smiled so big in relief to see our two little girls full of life. The girls respectfully greeted him and went back to floating between moments of happily playing and willfully fighting over the precious few toys left in our abode. We sat together and drank juice and water and talked about everything.  We told him how grateful we were to him and to the saving power of Jesus’ name.  We soon learned he is a brother in the family of God.  The bride of Christ that stretches farther and wider than we ever know.  Mungu ni Mkubwa. God is big.  We talked and relived what had happened and heard his story as neighbors stopped over and skuli kids ran in and out listening and spying in on what we were discussing.  We read a 2 page letter in Kiswahili he had written describing his perspective and experiences that day and I cried just reading his words. And we learned even more about just how miraculous it is that they are here.  With me.

The power voltage was actually 360 volts not 220 as we had originally thought.  Bushirika was supposed to be at a meeting that day at church but had something come up so he was around the house that day.  That he heard someone screaming the name of Jesus and calling on Mwenyezi Mungu (Almighty God) and came running only to see what he described as 3 people who were dying.  He said when he came and saw them he had no idea what to do but then God told him to go get a piece of wood. We thought maybe he had seen or heard about electrocutions before but he had no clue but for the Spirit of God speaking to Him.  He did what God said and it saved them.  He put himself at risk to save my loves.  Once he pried them off the power source one by one he said that Annikah’s face was like the face of death and he was sure she was dead.  He touched her heart and wrote he was asking “je uhai umo?” (Is there life inside?) He felt a heartbeat and knew there was still life left.  He then helped Jason get them to the hospital, stayed with them there, and prayed and asked God for mercy.  He repeated again and again that is was not him but God who saved them.  We agreed but also thanked him for being willing to be used.  We all have that choice everyday.  We discussed how God is using this to draw us and others closer to Himself.  Everything we continue to learn about this confirms what we knew in those moments after the accident and want to remember now and always.  God works miracles and the name of Jesus is mighty to save.
Bushirika ended his letter writing
Kwa hiyo jina la Bwana lihimidiwe na heshimu na utukufu ni kwa Mungu wetu. Asanteni.”
(therefore blessed be the name of the Lord and honor and glory to our God. Thank you.) 
Could not have said it better in any language.
Grateful and Amazed,

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