
unplugged performances…

Some videos to brighten your Friday…They certainly made mine.

First Miss Evy dancing.  She was her own wardrobe stylist which involved her chupi, Anni’s head covering worn more like a belt, and a flower headband worn “West side” style.Girl has rhythm no?
Then Miss Anni Joy singing a song she “made up all her own self” for God.  I think He thinks it is pretty great too. There are several things I love about this video: 1. it is proof that she indeed takes after my tone deaf self and we should probably prep her for the harsh reality that she will not be the next American Idol 2. during her singing my phone rang from another room and our house helper yelled in Kiswahili “Annikah come here and get the phone” ….never a moment without interruption. 3.  You can tell we live on an island from her repeated references to sharks, seas, islands.
And finally some short video clips of an afternoon impromptu play date at our house. The kids were finishing up some work in their books from Skuli and sang a few songs we learned and it turned into quite the acting venue…..I particularly love the old people walk which is sooooo how they walk here and the scene involving a farmer husband and wife discussing why their children do not want to go to madras.   Actually, there really is not a thing I do not love about this video.

I just love these videos.  They are such a slice of our lives right now and a reminder to savor each moment. Happy Friday.

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