So it has been a while since our last family fabulous-ness night but we were on vaca… what do you want from me? š We are settling back into the crazy flow around here and since the girls loved the last fab night and we had big plans for more. Miss Anni had an idea for a “flower” themed Fab Fam night a couple months back and we promised that after we returned island-side we would begin the prep. At family meeting this past week there were some tears by one or more members about the impending transitions for our family and we read and discussed the passage where Jesus tells us not to worry. We are more precious then the birds of the air and the flowers of the field! Thus, we had our theme! Very little prep went into this one but it was a great night of eating, crafts, singing, and games. Here are some pics and details in case anyone feels inspired to steal & improve…I am a firm believer in Mama- sharing (plus, full disclosure I swipe most of my good ideas and tailor them for us)!!!

making “pink petal” cupcakes….
and veggies cut into flowers…we are serious about our theme people.
We played a “relay” race where we had to fill bags with various objects from a big basket. Anni and Evy carried their “burden bags” full of things that represent things we worry about (a dress for clothes, a cucumber and corn flakes for food, bottles of water for drinks, construction paper house for where we live, paper money for finances and provision, pencils and notebooks for school, a clock for our time, etc). Those bags got heavy!!
Mama explaining that we can give our worries to Jesus because He tells us to seek first and alll these things will be given as well and that our Father knows what we need so we do not need to worry! Then we may or may not have danced and screamed “don’t worry because God cares for you” (And note I follow the “bloggers must post unflattering pics as well as cute ones of themselves”…see unwashed hair, no make-up, and sweat glistening š
we made tissue paper flowers (I totally remembered these from back-in-the-day but had to look up instructions online and after spraying them with perfume hid them around the house for a flower hunt. Anni was the clear winner but both girls got candy and snuggle time with Papa for their efforts!
our family craft- we each have a fingerprint flowers and made birds to remind us that God cares even more for us! (Jason pointed out that my bird cut-outs looked more like fighter planes or sharks but whatever…I try!)
Don’t worry. God knows & He cares for us so much. Good reminder for us all and lots of family good times.
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