Last week Evy and I went on a trip to visit a school where one of the teacher’s from Pamoja’s Teacher Seminar works. She was also one of Jason’s computer students and she is now running a small school for preschool and kindergarten age children. It has been a challenge to try to follow up with all the teachers but we are starting and slow is better than nothing right? pole pole ndiyo mwendo is a Kiswahili proverbs that means slowly, slowly is the going, or slowly but surely we will get there. So True.
Seeing the kids and teachers was such a blessing! We were given a tour and since we showed up right during snack time Evy was fed everything from cassava to cookies to sugary candies. And she loved the love let me tell you! We sang some songs with the kids later and chatted with the teachers about their dreams for the school. So often imagining and setting goals is so limited because the resources are simply not available and the issues so immense. But we had some good discussion on how we could work together to improve the school and what each teacher, parent, and student could do better to work towards progress. There is no quick fix…pole pole we will continue. I am constantly learning here to listen more than I speak. A hard lesson for me but one that without which I can never offer any real help. I was reminded that spending time and being with people here is so important. It communicates value and love and so I will always make time to love teachers and children. They are dear to me. And in the process of loving I am continually blessed. And thankful.
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I would love to join you together with Joel the next time… if you like.