Just ask these kids……

watoto wa shule, playing at our house, bug 058.jpgedit

watoto wa shule, playing at our house, bug 061.jpgedit

watoto wa shule, playing at our house, bug 062.jpgedit


watoto wa shule, playing at our house, bug 048.jpgedit
  1. Anonymous says:

    Claire goes, “EWWWW!! Is that crawling on her??'

  2. Anonymous says:

    I like that green one, he looks friendly! Is it a grasshopper?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Laura- i only know in Kiswahili- panzi- which is translated in the Bible story of the plagues as locusts? Hmmmm, not sure- don't think they make any noise though? (or maybe it just isn't enough noise to be noticed over the roosters and chickens and screaming kids:)

  4. Anonymous says:

    I love the one of the local girl holding it right in front of her face. Beautiful shot.And bugs do rule!