
our city

Still catching up with pictures that make me smile and experiences I do not want to forget. We headed to Chicago to see the awesome dentist we saw last time we were home. They offered yet again to see us all for free! And that is not all that is amazing about them. They sent us home with toothbrushes and paste for our kids an any of the shule kids that need it. They are so good that once we got in the car and started to head downtown Anni said “Mama and Papa, thank you sooooo much for taking me to the dentist.” No problem girl! That was too easy.
chicago time, ice skating, chicago 738
Yeah, I love them! (the kids AND the dentist..to clarify)

We were done with the dentist early and had a few hours to kill before we could meet up with friends. We tried to search for a free day at a museum since it was still too cold to enjoy much of anything outside. We were foiled but decided to head downtown to see all the new changes. We drove around and then prayed out loud for a street spot and we got one! Seriously a miracle downtown. There is a new parking meter revamp high tech thing that made us feel like we have been gone for a while but J figured it out and soon we were out and looking up at towering buildings, battling for sidewalk space with too many people, and loving every minute of the city chaos. We all split a meal at the big McD’s since the prices were crazy inflated and then rode the escalators up and down until we got a few “looks.” Hey, our kids are easily amused.

Then we walked to Michigan Ave being tourists on the way taking pictures of everything.

ok, so I only included this pic b/c it had the potential to be cute except that at the moment we took it Anni yelled “my butt itches.” well then.

J tries so hard to get his girly-girl into building stuff. He had some luck this day!

We even hit the Lego store when Annikah built a “flower garden and house” and Evy took pieces and moved them from one bin to another much to the distress of the store workers who have everything sorted by color. We are so “those people.”

We love Chicago. It is our city no matter where we end up. And it was fun to show the girls around even if our meter only lasted 2 hours. They agree that is pretty much rocks.

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