We are again back at my parent’s place in the burbs after a week and a half in Iowa. We leave for Africa in just over a week and there is still no power on our island…yikes! But as I was praying about it I sensed God say “you are supposed to be there…power or notta” so we go. And we deal. But we are still praying that it returns even if in limited rolling blackouts (as some say will happen) and after visiting our home church in Chicago yesterday and sharing about our lives there lots of people are praying it returns. So we wait……and pray but either way we will be on a plane in little over a week!
Ok, too much to do, too little sleep means a lazy post about our fabulous time in Iowa. We spent lots of time with J’s family and Anni’s cousins. Great times hanging out, celebrating J’s birthday, eating yummy food (yeah we are both getting CHUBBY…..soon we will return to the land of rice and beans and just dream about the food here :), enjoying some fun kid’s activities, and being with family in Iowa. It was great to be together and again we cherished the time. Here are some of our highlights:
manicures with a very patient Bibi

Bday cake for Jason’s 31st. Rhoda made a chocolate flourless cake that is fabulous and I am pretty sure adds a couple pounds to one’s thighs just by looking at it

“Bibi the baker”…chocolate sour cream cake…yummy!
Cute story…Anni asked Rhoda why she had so many books at her house and Rhoda explained that she used to be a teacher. Anni then asked “are you a baker now?” Rhoda is a great cook and was baking &/or cooking at least a few hours each day! Thanks!

the “baker”at it again…apple pie!

Anni plays “my house” under the table. She spent hours under there!
I am really loving her independent & creative play right now or as I like to call it “Planet Annikah”

sleepover with cousin Joel & Silas at the Dillman house

we even braved a Chuck E. Cheese to intro Anni to all things American..but as Jason said “nothing good ever happens at Chuck E. Cheese” Can we say loud chaos, sugared up kids, overpriced everything (Thanks Jorie and Mark for sharing your coupon with us :), pulsating music and lights, and strung out parents? The kids loved it!!

impromptu dance party at Nordstrom’s…free live music

Silas & Anni work it out!

taking a break

Anni REALLY gets into dancing!

Bibi Rhoda treated us to a local puppet theater! The first show was a strange little piece about recycling and aliens…..yeah I did not get it either but the second show was a really funny and cute version of Rapunzel and the kids loved the puppets. Totally fun!

enjoying the show

making their own puppets after with Bibi’s help

Alien puppets or as Silas thought a bunny š

with Auntie Annie in Iowa City

girls lunch

“playtime poppy” Iowa children’s theater
We saw Sleeping Beauty with Bibi Rhoda & the Dillmans

Anni with Sleeping Beauty
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We were so blessed by your family! I tried to consciously soak in the love, especially from my sweet granddaughters. The feel of Annikah on my lap as we read stories, her hand in mine as we went from place to place, the cuddling of little Evangeline as she slept in my arms, the sweet pure sound of her cooing and smiles. All will bring a smile to my face as we think of you so far away. Dinner with you at Cibo's, girls lunch out, watching you enjoy my cooking, sharing with you about your ministry . . . these are all treasures. You will be in our prayers and hearts as you journey back to the place God has called you!! We love you!!