Jason and I estimate that at least 5% of everything in Target has princesses on it. And at least 2/3rds of all items we are currently packing into crates and suitcases to head home. Seriously. And Annikah can spot anything with princesses at 50 paces. She freezes and announces with glee “Look Mama it is a _________ with princesses.” Fill in the blank with hat, bed, bike, cookies, toothpaste, etc. Well, add SOUP to the list of shameless marketing ploys of the princess crack. I saw this soup at the grocery store and we did not buy any but I just cannot believe how much stuff is marketed! My child is deep into the princess crack and Bibi only feeds her addiction š Anni’s backpack way back when was definitely her gateway drug and now she is a princess-lovin’, pink-obsessed, girly girl. We may stage an intervention soon or just got back to Africa where there is nothing with princesses. *Sigh of relief*
I bought the Princess Chicken Noodle in an attempt to get my daughter to try it. I think it's the only princess item she's ever rejected š THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!! But on the flip side so are Transformers for the blue crowd. I can vouch for that too š Hope the packing is going smoothly and that we get to see you before you head around the world again.
okay, so check this out: Elliot recently decided that he, like Wee Willy Winky (his favorite Mother Goose character) needed a nightgown to run around it. But at target the only nightgowns are for girls, and THEY ALL HAVE PRINCESSES. Elliot, unphased, selected the Princess Tiana nightgown, and he now wears it basically at all times he is not at school. “It keeps my legs warm, Mama!” Anyway, princess gear is not something I was eager to spend money on, but I will admit to sort of enjoying the gender subversion-ness of elliot in his tiana gown. It is purple, with gauzy ruffles!
ha! too funny that as i read this, gia is crying in bed for her princess doll that we can not find. she is “heart-broken.”
I LOVE that elliot has princess PJ's …ummm picture please!!! Adorable! I wish Anni was a little less “gender specific” but everything is either BOY or girl to her, she even said Mama me no want to color with brown b/c it is a boy color – crazy! Where does she get this stuff?
At least you don't have to worry that she is really a little boy trapped in a girl's body who will end up on Oprah 20 years from now!She is all girl, and loving every minute of her “girliness!” No confusion for her! I wonder if later she'll go through the Tom boy stage that you did?