This Sunday we did our duty as an American family: we went to a pumpkin farm and partook of many fall festivities! It was a welcome reminder why we love fall and a chance to be outside before we settle in for a long cruel winter. My amazing sister drove our from U of I just for the day (even though she is sick and stressed with tests this week) to take Anni to the farm and Anni was looking forward to it all week. Every time we saw a pumpkin anywhere she would remind all of us “Auntie Katy take me to a pumpkin place.” The weather was also beautiful and we even got to meet some friends we haven’t seen since leaving at the farm. Anni got a good dose of American kid-dom including pony riding, drinking apple cider and tasting apple donuts, riding some cheesy over priced carnival type rides, and picking out her very own pumpkin to take home. It was a great day with family!

Anni’s first pony ride

red radio flyers are the best!
The Worst family (seriously their last name, college buds with their lil guy Fred)
apple donuts are from heaven!!

cheesy rides rule! Anni LOVED this one and was spinning super fast even though we thought she might be afraid (Mama stayed away to avoid flying puke:)

petting zoo (Anni can name all these animals in Kiswahili too as usually they are roaming in our neighborhood)

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hey Hey we made the blog! We are famous! Thanks for the great pics! We loved getting to see you guys, it was so fun. Katy is a pretty awesome sister. Looking forward to making plans for December, enjoy Iowa!

  2. Anonymous says:

    mmmm apple cider donuts!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    oh my goodness.i admit, it's been a while since i've checked up on you and i was SO surprised to see Anni in a pumpkin patch!!?! but after some quick perusing, i see you are returning to the island . . . may i ask lini? and where will you be while you're in the US? and how ARE you all? i hope you can really enjoy your time here without too much overwhelmingness. my goodness. i can imagine.

  4. Anonymous says:

    LOVE the pics – it's great that you guys are able to be here and enjoy all the fun things related to change of seasons and the holidays.

  5. Anonymous says:

    So weird to see you as a typical American family in winter clothes!! I love Autumn (ENGLISH for 'fall'!!!) too:)

  6. Anonymous says:

    jealous!!!! of apple cider donuts, fall fun, and the Worst family funfest 🙂