Anni chills after a hike to a stream in Northern Tanzania…did I mention we LOVE the cooler weather!!
Jason talks with a guy that sharpens knives with his bike (do not try this at home)

We made it! The border was a process but thankfully although time consuming it was also uneventful.
We shopped at a used clothing market in Nairobi ….negotiating in Kiswahili was a blast….I love a bargain in any language!!
Annikah proudly shows off her deals from the market…an Elmo backpack, used books, & bootleg movies…what else could a girl want?

Anni loved staying with our friend’s kids..smiles all around!

a game of Settlers (Jason’s fav)

Paula & I show off our new short haircuts cuz it is just too darn hot on the island

Can you find my newly acquired piece of jewelry?

Anni with our friend’s boys enjoying some amazing and cheap Ethiopian food in Nairobi

driving to Nairobi National Park

Annikah pets a Cheetah at the animal orphanage…yeah…AMAZING!
While staying with our friends we visited a local school & Miss Annikah was very popular
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Love the new hairstyle, but not to sure about the pierced nose??? Anni’s hair is so long and so curly. I can’t believe she got to pet the cheetah. Glad you are having such a great time, and enjoying the cooler weather.
Tell me you did NOT get your nose pierced!!! You and Annie are more alike than I thought! I absolutely love the haircut. All the pictures are great – we’ve been so anxious to see/hear all about your trip. Anni is cuter than ever!
Looks like a really fun trip! Annikah got some nice loot. Couldn’t find all the stuff here at a thrift store! LOVE the hair! It suits you. And the nosering looks fabulous on you. I’m shocked! You little stinker! Awesome. Glad you made it. After seeing the flat tire, I was a bit concerned.
LOVE your new look, rox!! makes me want my nose pierced again! š it looks great on you!!
Wow, petting cheetahs! I love your hair. Hope all is well.
I personally think the nose piercing is really cute on you sis! And of course I love the hair. Anni seems to be getting more adorable everyday with her curly hair. And she’s making so many friends, no surprise. CAN’T WAIT TO COME SEE YOU ALL!!! xoxox, katy
Hey there girl! I’m soo bummed that I just missed you guys in Kijabe!! š The next time you all head north, I need to try to meet up. I’m like totally northwest of you all, close to Mwanza and dead smack on the Kenya side of the Tanz border. BTW, I love your hair and enjoyed reading your adventures. So where did you get that nose ring? In NBI? Enquiring minds want to know if they can get one š
Oh my….LOVED the pics, love your hair, love the nose-ring, love the good-deals….Wow, what a great trip you had! Looks like you had a wonderful time with the other families too. And Anni with all those kids at the school? Presh! I can’t wait to get to the kids again….only a few more weeks for me! And petting a cheetah…awesome! I loved petting the baby lions and tigers at the preserve when I went last year. It’s so amazing! Glad you were refreshed in so many ways. Blessings!
First, let me say that the images like the ones with Anni and all the school children will be such a blessing for her to have as she gets older. Second, the pigtails are killing me!!! She is adorable!!!Third, I absolutely love your look!! Ah, to get away with the double nose piercing I had in my younger days….!! Your hair looks amazing. I am really happy for you all that you got a vacation of sorts and were able to enjoy the company of other westerners. I’m sure it was a nice time away for all of you!!miss you!! xoxoxoxoxox