Monday morning was CRAZY as we got EVERYTHING & ANYTHING left in our place out in about an hour. The youth pastor from our church brought some teens over to grab our couches we were sleeping on and after some final clearing out and cleaning we loaded the car and took off to Lake Geneva. Nothing is left in our home of over five years!! As we finished putting a few things in the storage space in the basement Anni decided to close herself in there. She really understands we were leaving Chicago and, I think, like me she is sad. As we drove away we waved together “bye Chicago” and then when I asked Anni “where are moving?” she replied “tanz.” Smart girl! It was rushed goodbye but not without fond memories shared as we drove away. We love Chicago and will be back! On to Africa!
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aaack! rox! i started crying at work today reading your blog and seeing the stuff moved out of your place. i’m so so thankful and so blessed to have been on the ‘inside’ of these 4 years of prep and prayer and trusting. and that i have been with you in tanzania is a small comfort =)safe travels and so so so much love!