Not to stereotype (as I am usually the first to jump on anyone who makes potentially offensive to women comments especially if those remarks are made by men) but my Anni is officially a girly girl. She has this ridiculous pair of leopard print shoes (purchased by my mom who is the queen of buying all things ludicrous but adorable, not at all needed but desired). Well, Annikah recently discovered that she owns these crazy shoes while I was organizing (ok, well by organizing I guess I mean shuffling around and moving things in her overflowing box o’ crap I keep on her dresser, but organizing makes me feel better so let’s just go with that) and has since been obsessed with wearing them. They do not really “go” with anything but she cares not and has been setting new toddler trends (I swear some paparazzi followed us from the Dollar Store today to catch her in them). The girl wants to wear them and will go retrieve them if you bring her other much more practical shoes. Said practical shoes might as well be granny white sneakers as Anni now will have nothing but her leopard print (trimmed in pink) Mary Jane’s and I say “welcome to ranks of girly-dom sweet Anni Joy.”
I might remind you that I got these to go with a pair of leopard shoes I had gotten for you. Like Mother, like daughter. The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree, and all that. š Besides, every Diva in training needs a pair of stylish shoes! And every grammy has the right to buy them for her. I also got her stride rite shoes, so I’m not all bad influence.