Despite all Anni’s cheering the Illini sadly lost the Rose Bowl today. The upside is that my little sister was on national TV performing in the Rose Bowl parade and we watched the game with great friends at the Studee’s place while scarfing yummy food. My parents and sister will give us all the details once they arrive home from California.
Jason goes back to work tomorrow after a long break. He was so sweet today as he told me he will miss being with his girls all day. Anni will also be heart broken as she is so attached to her papa right now. I will be sad as well as we had so much great family time over the last week not to mention my time to workout and relax a bit, I guess it is back to Mama not having a minute to do anything non interrupted šŸ™‚
Here is a video of Anni and her new friends cheering for the Illini (at one point one of the little boys uses Anni’s head for a drum). I am recording it for proof of her young prodigy in case one day she tries out for the drum line of the marching Illini!

exhausted from cheering…..

  1. Anonymous says:

    It was sad the Illini lost, but a fun party. Hey, can you send any pictures of Joshua if you got any? I was too busy to take photos!

  2. Anonymous says:

    imagine if luca, gia, persis, baby worst and anni all decide to go to illinois and find themselves rocking it at 54e john #5. that would be SWEET!! šŸ™‚