We really had no idea what we were actually getting into. Once we started planning we realized that the logistics were pretty much a nightmare (between coordinating the stops, getting places to be willing to let us disrupt their business, writing clues, and schlepping 3 kids around to do all this). We pressed on knowing that it would be a blast if we could pull it together. Beck was a rock star at getting donations and since she lives in the neighborhood was able to work her magic and secure most the locations and we got together to write clues and think up embarrassing but hilarious tasks the teams of Mamas would have to do to acquire their next clue. If you have seen the show there are many kinds of tasks and last night we tried to shake things up for the 20 women that participated. Here is a sampling of their tasks: eating weird sushi at Tank or singing for money outside of Old Town School of Music, punching and kicking at a Martial Arts Academy, learning how to correctly measure for a sports bra and downing a power gel at Fleet Feet Sports, reading a Dr. Seuss book aloud and doing interpretive dance for everyone at Starbucks, riding a tricycle through Lincoln Square, searching for someone at Garcia’s Mexican Restaurant by asking every patron if they were a Hot Mama (in Spanish of course), telling me 3 yo’ mamma jokes, and finally searching through a diaper bag for a pacifier in order to travel to the final pit stop. They then raced to the finish in Welles Park where we had lit 2 tiki torches (we thought we may get arrested for this but had a plan to ditch them and run if the 5-0 showed up). It was a crazy night! My favorite part was watching all these moms full out sprint from place to place- who knew they were so competetive? Bystanders in the square even started to cheer them on & a bartender at Tank Sushi asked one team what season it was and when it would be on. Did he not notice that there were no TV cameras following them? After the race we all headed back to Beck’s house and snacked while sharing stories of the night and getting to know each other. It was a miracle that it actually went as planned and the Mamas seemed to have a great time. It was a success as moms do so many things all day for others and they deserve a night out even if it is one where they run around like imbeciles doing bizarre tasks for no reason! I say Go Amazing Mamas!!
* these are just a few camera phone pics of the night
sounds like so much fun – i love the amazing race – so what is the family costume theme?
This sounds SO awesome! I may have to steal your ideas (or buy them.. I think you could make some money packaging this game up!) and plan a similar event in the spring. I’m thinking a fun competition between neighborhood mom’s groups at Park!? š
That was SO much fun, Rox! You and Beck did an awesome of putting it together, and my baby is still alive and kicking despite me running like a mad woman!