Sunday was a day of rest even though we did not stop moving much at all. It was fabulously cool and sunny so we were determined to be outside every possible moment to enjoy the end of summer (even bringing myself to type “end of summer” causes tightness in my chest but I am working on accepting it). Annikah had a good day, the morning started with her getting fed grapes by Papa (what a princess! If you ever doubt who rules this house we submit this photo). After a walk outside I went to my favorite church service of the year: the baptism at the lake (only it was not at the lake this year due to e coli-yummy!) so we had it at First Free. It was awesome to hear people’s stories of lives changed by Christ. After church we went to the Back to School festival sponsored by Joe Moore and his cronies. As you may remember we did not vote for him but yesterday our desire to get free food and an ID tag for Annikah outweighed our politic allegiance and thus we caved. Jason suggested that we wear shirts that said “We voted for Gordon: Now prove us wrong.” A fabulous idea but I did not have enough iron on letters: foiled! After the Moore fest we moseyed over to the Glenwood Ave Arts Festival in our neighborhood. Anni loved shaking what her Mama gave her to the music, Reggae was her preferred music of choice. She also LOVED watching the puppet show put on by Lifeline Theater.

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