The run down:
On the 4th we visited Jason’s Aunt Ruth and Uncle John at their beautiful house in Elgin and got to help celebrate Jason’s cousin Matt’s 1 year old son Trevor’s b-day. Anni and Trevor are second cousins (or something like that, I never quite understood those terms but they are the kids of 2 cousins so whatever). The picture above is of them floating in the pool together with Clara (Trevor’s Mom) and Jason. It was awesome to catch up with his cousins (Matt and Sam and their respective lasses Clara and Christina). After spending the afternoon lounging and chatting it up (of course with some serious eating thrown in there) we headed up to my parent’s lake house in Lake Geneva. We joined my parents, sister Katy, her boyfriend Jimmy, my brother Rob, his girlfriend Annie, and 2 loud but cute dogs. We had gorgeous-makes-you-want-to-sing- weather and enjoyed more eating intermixed with rides on the new boat, tubing (Anni sat that one out), swimming, riding the golf cart around (ones of Anni’s favorites), and watching Anni splash around in her risque but patriotic string bikini (another Grandma purchase, along with the fake crocs). Annikah was very brave and even tolerated the life jacket swim suit (we scoured Walmart for) while floating off the boat with us. She also is really getting better about traveling which is a huge relief, she slept until about 6:30am every morning and would just sit up and wave and talk until we got out of bed to get her. She also slept freakishly long for naps ( a trend we are hoping will continue but that was probably due to the lake air and activity). She also enjoyed her first Popsicle. It was a love-hate relationship: see video. It was a wonderful chance to relax and appreciate all God has blessed us with. Thanks everyone who helped make our time special!
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