This trip almost did not happen. I was hospitalized for 5 days just a week before. A really rough MS flare with new symptoms and unfortunately new lesions meant I was barely able to walk myself into the ER on Sunday. It was dark friends. We had hard conversations and I felt so deeply sad on Sunday and Monday. And then people prayed- so many of you sent messages, practical support, and love. God’s presence shifted everything for me. My symptoms are still rough and our plans had to radically shift but we decided to still go to Nashville on our trip and I am so grateful we did.

It is profound how God’s timing is never mine but always perfect. If I had been feeling well we would have jam packed this family trip with all the adventures. But because everything was so rough we had no real plans except to see what each days holds and connect with dear friends in the area (this was so lifegiving and almost no photos exist because I was just focused on our friends. This meant as a family we ended doing whatever we felt like each day along with lots of rest and downtime so there was so much sacred time to connect, to laugh, to be silly, process life, and talk together as a family. I am grateful for holy spaces we do not choose but that God leads us into. I am so thankful for Nashville adventures and I never want to forget the ways God provided and intervened in this difficult time.


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