As I told the kids during our sweaty but fabulous day at our annual Epic Lemonade Stand– “whenever you are tempted to think the world is a dumpster fire remember THIS.” Seriously every year I am blown away by the kindness of people; strangers, neighbors, teachers, working folks, friends, family, & our BIG but small community!

The kids raised $293 for World Relief this year!  They broke their record from the last 4 years thanks to the generosity of you all! And Swapna and family were back (YAY!!!! it was just not the same without them last year) and Jamie & Dana hung most of the day and made it so much fun!

So many neighborhood and kids from the community came out to support the efforts and holla at cars and pour (and drink..ahem…) lemonade.  We had a postal worker, a big rig truck driver (that turned around and came back just to stop for lemonade), a police officer, a firefighter, FED EX drivers, tons of friends and family that drove FAR to come, and even a local teacher that donated an insane amount for one cup of lemonade.  Seriously, I want to cry as I type this because I just LOVE the heck out of Y’ALL!!!

Every year I think we just cannot pull this together and EVERY year I am SO GLAD we do because it is about the community and the kids learning that they can work together to make a difference! It is one of my favorite summer memories EVER.

The kids will hand over a big envelope of cash to World Relief tomorrow and I will be beaming (& maybe tearing up because that is how I roll) because they are seeing that their efforts matter & their community is one that is KIND & welcoming!

 Thanks to everyone who supported us- it in a community effort and it was EPIC & we love you lots,
*Also, check out World Relief’s insta story today for highlights and to see the kid’s efforts featured!!!!!


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