Fall is just so awesome and so many years without it has made us fully susceptible to all fall marketing ploys (read pumpkin spice EVERYTHING is currently in our home). Perhaps it is also the panic that rises up in me when I realize I soon will be forced indoors to ingest copious amounts of comforts foods for months thus we quickly make a plan to spend the day outside enjoying picking and tasting apples. As soon as we feel a chill in the air we made our plans to return to the orchard we hit last year (and what a difference a year makes). And doing it all with family that live in the same state as us makes it all even better!! Of course our favorite part may be the apple donuts freshly fried and coated in glorious sugar. A day spent apple pickin’ in images…
“Smile and show your apples!”
Anni: “AHHH!! A bug bit me!” And I’m dying.
I think it is safe to say Abishai’s favorite part was the donuts….
The “E’s”
A boy & his Papa
Abishai weirdly did not like the hay ride and whined through most of the apple picking but at least he loved the play area! (well, and the donuts 🙂
And this same night we heard the news that dear Noah passed. It seemed surreal. Thank you to everyone who are praying and who have reached out to their family and ours. We are holding deep grief together with a profound hope in Jesus making all things new. This weekend we will celebrate his life with family.
Happy Fall friends,
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