We headed to Michigan with our church family for some time away from the everyday. And there were awesome friends, late night storytelling, s’mores, dune jumping, & not cooking for 2 days so yeah…it was awesome!

Kids staying up way too late and listening to story teller extraordinaire Aaron

Can I just be outside for every sunset EVER!?

that moment you remember it is SUMMER!

lots of playground time & messy game time of course!


One morning we headed to the Warren Dunes for some dune climbing, jumping, and hitting the beach.

as per usual the only photo I am IN is a cheesy selfie 🙂

We ended the weekend with a worship time together and each family had a jar and stones to remember all that God has done. I felt blessed because it is easy to fill that jar because He is so, so good to us. Grateful for this weekend with friends.
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