Evy had been asking about following Jesus for months. We can see all these massive and small things burrowing in and making their way to the surface often in tears at family meetings or seemingly endless questions about scripture and life and God’s role in it all.

She carefully listened to the words of songs and would ask questions like “Mama, what does it mean Jesus is our king?” “mama, what does it mean that his apetc-tions are great for me? (how great your affections are for me)” “mama, what does it mean “his Holy name?” “mama, what does it mean “his love never runs out on me?” “mama, what does it mean “His grace is enough”?
These questions. Weighty questions. Answers I believe and sense one moment and struggle to embrace the next. But questions I am grateful she is asking me; her mother. Imperfect and thankful for grace in everyday. The journey of watching my kids trust Jesus is nothing but blessing. And from here on out the questions get deeper and more complex but we have One we can trust to show us the Way.

“Mama, i want to follow Jesus too!!”
Some will say she is too young but Jesus scolded those who came with knowledge but no heart conviction, no humility. Evy came as a little child and God does not despise small beginnings. We talked through her many questions and we prayed for her and us.
I grabbed my camera and captured a few images of this new birthday in our little girl’s life. She is following after Jesus and we pray He shows her more and more of what that means in the years ahead. Grace to you on the journey,
Happy 2nd Birthday Evy!