This is really happening. I travel seeking more because there are soils I have yet to feel beneath my toes, people made in His image I have yet to encounter, and stories of pain and joy I have yet to hear. I feel so blessed to be embarking on this adventure and for the army of people mobilizing to allow me to go and be free to dive into to something I feel such a pull toward for a couple weeks. I am blessed. I think I have already had more time alone to think then collectively I’ve had over the last year. It is amazing how even though I was preparing for weeks to leave I still found ,myself running around the house like a crazy person when it was time to leave for the airport. The caphony of crying kids also helped the general feeling of chaos. The girls were both sobbing because mama was going away. Promises of gifts from India helped a bit. In the car we talked and prayed together. I felt sad at leaving them and it is true that often the best opportunities in life bring sadness and joy comingled together. But I do think it is so important they see my pursuing this part of my passion. They see me as mama and while that is and will continue to be my primary, most challenging, and most loved passion I have other passions and I feel so excited to pursue them with the support of my amazing family.
A few observations thus far
When you are at the airport waiting for your flight to board WITHOUT small humans you can…
Read a book! Although I highly recommend people watching.
Drink your overpriced coffee beverage without it getting cold or spilled
NOT find half eaten fruit snacks stuck to the inside of your jacket
Pee when YOU want to
Actually it can be a bit lonely until you pathetic beg the couple from New Jersey next to you to spill their life story. Then it becomes quite interesting. I also practically accosted an Indian woman and her adorable mother who insisted I call her “auntie” for the 14 hour flight to Delhi. We all took breaks to sleep and drool while perfecting massive neck pain (ok I speak for myself) but I asked them no less than 1.2 million questions about India and their culture. It was sort of fabulous. Her name was Annunkha which I will always remember because it sounded almost Annikah and means “a person without a name.” She also had a 7 year old daughter with the nickname “kushi” which means happiness. We compared raising 7 year old girls’ stories. She was flying this 14 hour flight just to escort her mother home and then to hop on the next flight home. At the airport I must have had my “clueless white girl” face on and a kind Sheikh man helped escort me through customs and to the baggage claim. He no longer lives in India but was returning with his mother’s ashes to bring her to a river by a holy temple. I love crossing paths with so many people and asking God to bless them and me on this journey.
I’m in Delhi now and tired does not really adequately describe my current state so I’m going to try to get some sleep before we start exploring tomorrow. I cannot wait. To take in the colors and smells and eat some burn my face off spicy food.
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
Saint Augistine
Wow. Can't wait to see and read more. Enjoy!
Wow, finally you are there!Enjoy your special time, have an open heart, a clear view and take many pics!Looking forward to read more about your adventure!
Awesome first post! Can't wait to follow along on your journey! 🙂 Love ya!
So excited for you! Enjoy your time exploring a new corner of our world.
Glas you made it! Excited to read more 🙂