
party like a rockstar

That is exactly what we did Saturday to celebrate our firstborn turning 7!! (Seriously, I am old. But I digress as the elderly tend to do). Miss Anni wanted a rock star party and we did it up goooood with the help of family and friends.  My favorite part of the party was all the thought and planning the girls did beforehand and the anticipation!  We had a team to make this shindig come to life.  Joy’s present to her was hiring our friend Gabby to do rock star makeovers for all the girls. I know right? Girly girl heaven.  Joy also made a rock star mix CD for the party and each girl to take home (and there was only one OPPS curse word on it which made me make the rounds apologizing to parental folks 🙂 but a CD with “He Reigns” and Katy Perry is pretty much how we roll). We played games, got our hair did, ate pizza and microphone cupcakes, and broke open our home-made pinata beach front on a gorgeous day in the city.  And I was reminded yet again that I have amazing kids and awesome friends and family.

the make-overs were a huge hit

I drafted Jason to be the security bouncer who checked tickets and “the list” and stamped hands and the girls loved it! He is pretty awesome to indulge me (and umm, he is hot:)
and of course me and my HUGE belly were the paparazzi

our rock stars
game time

pass the swag bag

water balloon toss (even Bibi came in for the fun!)

their best poses
the 4 girls made our microphone pinata and it held up pretty well!
dance party

cupcakes & singing

amazing friends to make the day special

we had a blast filling everyone’s swag bags

and don’t worry the left over water balloons were put to good use

 After the party was over and the girls were taking a bath Annikah started tearing up and told me she couldn’t believe her party was so fun and that she got enough money to add to the money she has been saving for months to buy the American Girl doll she has wanted for a long while. The girls also raised almost enough money to send a girl to school for a year through the organization Girl Rising!! It was so sweet that she started crying because she was so full of joy.  Overwhelmed with emotion…I feel her yo! We partied like rock stars and this Mama is grateful.

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