…..is mostly a mess. But a colorful, awesome mess to be sure! So much happening and so much on the horizon that I feel so grateful for this space (and a 50 degree day in February certainly helped my mood today).
On a recent road trip I fully embraced my core belief that most parenting rules are suspended while driving in the car with our children. Judge if you will but she was quite for 40 minutes and that my friends is a beautiful thing.
We got to visit good friends in Wisconsin that are reminders to us always that He is good and following Him is always worth it. Annikah and one of her besties (made official by the necklaces of course).
Jason got to be with his grandfather last week as he left this world and went to meet Jesus. It was sad and joyful and full of everything our humanity is lacking and God is fulfilling. As I was praying I kept thinking “he gets to hear it today! He gets to hear well done.”
Saying goodbye and remembering with family was a true blessing; one that we do not take for granted after being so far from loved ones during times like these.
It also meant a quick but fun visit with our favorite girl cousins in the world at our new place in Chicago.
despite freezing temps last weekend we also braved (that is the only word for it folks) Polar Adventure days and got to touch frogs, see wolves, and watch a dog sled team on Northerly Island in the city.IMG_1942

Some more about photography and a trip to Asia to come soon.


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