Last week before J left there was a parent’s meeting at Anni’s school followed by a game time run by some Korean visitors. It was really important to Anni that we all went because game days and Wazungu wageni are BIG people! But it started at 2pm which is prime nap time for Evy and the ONLY time the girl is still all day so also dear to me so we formulated a plan. Anni took the bus at 10am with all the students and then I rode the bus with the rest of the parents at 2pm and the entire way I sat on half a broken seat and part of a busted oil jug trying not to grimace in pain. My butt is so not hard core! J and Evy came later and joined in on the games. I even let the smack down for the balloon pooping relay and J’s team pulled off a victory in the tug-of-war. Anni was at school from 10am until we dragged her away at 6pm- it was that fun y’all! Investing in this school has blessed our family and it was awesome to spend the day connecting with parents, teachers, and kids (and winning some prizes too)!
Go yellow team!!

crazy game for the Mama’s…we had to hold onto to each other and the goal post while the kids tried to pull us off mostly by tickling…weird but really fun!

us girls watching the games
Anni & her boy crush/best friend sporting my prize
Papa holding it down for the Fathers!
the Mama’s were serious about winning!
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