In many ways our team is our family here. We are so grateful for them and will miss them so much when we are stateside. Here are some recent pics of our team… has grown!

One of our last days on the island some ex-pat friends threw me a surprise baby shower. I was completely shocked since I was expecting to pick up some team mates to do some shopping in town (evidence by my sweaty self) but it was so amazing that they took the time to honor and bless me. They had baked some cakes and goodies, planned some games, and even gave me some gifts including some American cash 🙂 to save for a new camera! This was especially a blessing to me as it has been hard for me to get excited about this pregnancy just because it has been a difficult ride thus far. This was a time to just be with women and celebrate the blessing God is bringing into our lives soon, to pray together, and time for me to process a bit. Thanks ladies…it was awesome!!
the spread of cakes and yummy treats!
Paula apparently thinks I am HUGE as this ribbon went around twice!:)
Great to see – you´re back “on the blog”. And with fast internet it´s so much easier, isn´t it! Every time my children see a plane (on pics or in the air) they tell me: Annikah is in there!
We loved being able to meet your team last summer. We were impressed with them all, and it warms my heart to know how well you look out after each other.