We celebrated our first Christmas outside the states this year. In a way we were really looking forward to it and at times we were dreading it knowing that we were guaranteed to feel homesick. We kept really busy over the last week and it turned out to be an awesome time for our family. We kicked off the week with Annikah’s school Christmas party. Her new teacher from South Africa (that replaced me in November) planned a party for the kids complete with cake and some poor guy wearing a Santa (or as most ex-pats here say Father Christmas) suit in 90 degree heat. He arrived to give each child a gift and just as last year Annikah was completely horrified by him (as were about half the kids in her class). So even though Santa still sucks to Miss A she did enjoy her gift and kept saying “Mama, Santa bring that but me no like Santa.” She was a bit conflicted; scary weird dude in a crazy get up brought me a sweet present, life is rough when you are 2.

“nope, I still think he is way sketchy. Save me Mama!”

Anni gave all the helpers gifts

We also got to attend a local church service in English with Christmas carols a couple days before Christmas. This was a real treat and even though the church was crazy hot we enjoyed singing (even though the songs were mostly the British tune or version so my loud-off key self would start singing the wrong version with gusto). We also got to take a look at the organ after the service which was amazing as the church is a colonial remnant and reeks of history so it was amazing to explore the building a bit which I also got to do when looking for an appropriate place for Annikah to pee in the pitch black, ahhhh a story for another time.

On Christmas Eve and day we got to Skype with family and friends and even open gifts via the webcam. Of course, we wished we could have been together in person but the blessing of technology was awesome as it made the distance seem not as far. Annikah got way too many gifts from the generous packages we were sent (thanks so much everyone!) including her favorites: talking Elmo, play dough, and a pretty pony. She also enjoyed giving out candy canes on Christmas day in our neighborhood and wishing everyone a “Krismasi njema.” We made a nice Christmas dinner and enjoyed some tastes of home, at least as close to home as we could make here. Of course we made our traditional birthday cake for Jesus although with all the interruptions; power cuts, people stopping over, and visiting others,etc. it took 3 days to complete and decorate. Annikah was very proud of her creation and enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to Jesus. She was sure to point out “Me make that cake for Jesus but Annikah eat that.” True Christmas spirit š The day after Christmas we had a team BBQ (they put squid and duck on the grill š luckily there was also some beef) and gift exchange. We also got a chance to better know one another with slide shows and videos of our “previous lives.” It was awesome to share more of our personal lives with our team mates here. Here are some pictures and a couple short videos of our Krismasi adventures. I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas celebrating the gifts we have that cannot be wrapped or placed under any tree!
Merry Christmas!!! I’m so glad you all had a little bit of home over the holidays š
Merry Christmas to you guys! Anni is the perfect Sister Krismasi!
Rox, you crack me up girl! I love reading your blog! I'm glad you had a great Christmas abroad. I showed your birthday cake video to my Dad– we both enjoyed watching Anni dance and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. <3
The video of Anni passing out the candy canes was so cute!!!!I’m so glad I sent them, because I thought that would be a great way to explain your celebration. She was so generous and careful not to miss any little child. What a sweetie!
Roxanne,I love blogs. I met a girl this week in Nairobi for the first time who had been reading my blog and I her “updates” since we were both state-side. I felt like we were long lost friends!! Anyhow. Glad your Christmas was fun. It gets easier as the years go on… and not just because you forget what a N.American Christmas is like:) We hope to be on the Island mid-month… the 16th or so. We’re told “Wanaendalea” with the electric and plumbing, so here’s hoping there’s lights and water (at least) when we get there!! Either way, we’ll make do…See you on that side!-Sandy