
18 Months looks good on Anni

-She and her 18 month old self are very into animal noises as seems to be all the rage in toddler circles. She likes to do her own versions and some of the non existent ones Mama made up to amuse herself ( Jason is very against this as he thinks she will be scarred once she reaches school age but I, on the other hand think that it is pretty fun to think about what sounds the animal would make if it was to “talk”).

-Anni loves her friends and gets so excited when Jonah or Zella come over to play. Although she still occasionally beats up on them she mostly hugs and loves seeing them!

-She will do almost anything for a sticker and really loves praise. I got these free sheets of stickers from the doctors office (in a drug sample packet) and Annikah loves them. She will let me cut her nails without fussing or help Mama by picking up toys for a precious sticker. She is responding so much to praise and wants to please.

-She really is showing so much more understanding and connecting emotionally to things and people. For example, she cried when my mom left after being her buddy all day. She also sobbed uncontrollably after I read her a library book entitled 5 Little Ducks. I did not know this book would have this affect on her but there is one page where all the baby ducks go off and leave the mother and it shows a mother duck all alone and sad. Anni was so upset by it that even after I turned the page to reveal all the baby ducks came back she was too upset to even notice.

-She is doing much better with being left in childcare (at the gym or church) or with other people for short periods of time and usually hugs me goodbye (instead of vice gripping my leg and screaming which was her old standard).

– Annikah is really into looking at pictures: of herself, of her friends, of family, of Jason and I, of her cousins. Sh also gasps and smiles in excitement when she sees a picture of herself doing something fun (like on the Dumbo ride at Disney World).

-Our favorite new thing she does Jason aptly names the triple melt as it melts your heart. She comes over to you and first hugs you tight wrapping her little arms around your neck, followed by a kiss on the lips, and she finishes it off with waving and saying “hi.” It is pretty darn adorable. She is a smart little sucker too because sometimes she will break the triple melt out after doing something “time out” worthy to see if she can sway us with her cuteness.

Overall, we think 18 months looks pretty good on Annikah.


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