
Is building your brand just narcissistic?

I had a convo with a friend this week that had me thinking…she shared that she couldn’t build a brand on social media because it requires just talking about yourself non stop.
I disagree. You can build a brand AND not make it all about you!
 I shared more on Instagram live today. Listen here. 
Having a personal brand does matter AND it is not all about YOU.  
Hear me out:  The word “brand” can feel salesy and weird but it is necessary for anyone wanting to build a business. It is the collision of who you authentically are and then who the people you can serve well are.
Knowing that intersection can lead to so much personal and business growth that actually feels aligned to YOU and serves people well.
It is actually brave and scary, especially for women to take the time to investigate WHO AM I– that often gets lost in the shuffle of motherhood too for those of us that are mothers.
For me I think taking the time to heal (often we have been told we are less capable and scrappy then we are), prioritize our personal growth and learning, and think through what you love and what skills and dreams you have that you can utilize building a life and business you love. I am passionate about women taking up space in this world as the created and gifted individuals they are- for me to partner with female entrepreneurs doing just that I also have to embrace that is true about me too. It is true about you friend.

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Join Your Entrepreneur Hype Squad to chat all things branding THIS FRIDAY:

what are brand pillars? How can you share authentically online and build your brand? What does your bran have to do with your ideal client? or the customers you want to serve?

Any of my email list crew that joins gets a coffee on me. Not in on the party yet? Join here and grab my free “how to more Confident and Comfortable in front of the camera guide too! 

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