
a football tourney

REAL football….or soccer as us ‘Mericans types refer to it as is BIG here. We are sorta left out of this loop but the team from Chicago did their best to roll with the popular sport here. Along with our collegue Rich they planned an all day football tournament complete with 8 teams, free bright orange Pamoja shirts (brought by the team- awesome, right?), snacks, and prizes for the winning team. There was even a PA system which the MC used repeatedly to have a little too much fun announcing over and over again that the “Wazungu” team lost every match they played and “never managed to score one point.” They all loved kicking the white guys butts:) And who can blame them? All is fair in football, I guess. Our family came to cheer and support everyone and swipe some free juice ….if we’re being honest. It was a great day and still the talk of the neighborhood.
football tournamanet-mchezo wa mpira 058.jpgedit
the tired Wazungu….. leaving the field…embittered by defeat

Lusi & Anni made quite the dancing cheerleaders!

Wazungu team…..hey…1 of them does not really qualify!

those are some dirty white boy legs!

checking out the scores

yep…lots of sweating

“official” cheerleaders

she has got the African squat down!

dirt angels…there comes a point when a child can not get any dirtier….we embrace this state often here

hoping her cuteness will result in free ice cream

there was quite the crowd…including these guys watching from afar

celebrating the final point!

the winners celebrating their gifts! (2 goals, 3 balls, and a duffle bag)….Ah, sweet victory!

the planning team and the winners celebrating!
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