
a wednesday at Anni's school

looks something like this….
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put your shoes away when you enter the classroom

sit with friends to talk about the weather, day of the week and review the rules (one is “no beating each other” and one is “no crying” -I think the later is because of Anni 🙂
Then sing lots of songs together!

some great class photos I took last week…doesn’t the school look great?

After an hour or so of English, singing & math it is chai time….

one of Anni’s favorite parts of the day because all the kids trade food & share (fruit snacks are a big bargaining chip!)

clean up time

once a week I lead a craft time and right now we are doing a project each week based on creation

on the 1st day God created the darkness and the light, the 2nd day He seperated the water and the sky, and the 3rd day He made things to grow on the dry land
even Evy helps out
on the 4th day God created the sun, moon, & stars

on the 5th day He created the birds & fish

then on the 6th day He created animals & people….

always lots of interested watoto peering through the window on craft day…

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